Myndigheterna jobbar vidare med att se till att spelen ska bli en succé. I början av månaden så lade man ut detaljerande instruktionen hur man ska klappa händer och heja fram atleter under OS. Dessa instruktioner kom även ut i dagstidningarna.
. Gör er beredda hemma i TV-sofforna!
(BEIJING, June 4) -- On June 4, BOCOG, along with other relevant departments and organizations, co-promoted the introduction of the officially-approved set of hand gestures and slogans to be used during the Olympics, reported Xinhua.
There are four steps to the cheer:
Step 1: Clap twice, cheer "Aoyun" (Olympics)
Step 2: Make fists with both hands, except keep the thumbs pointed upwards, extend both arms into the air, cheering "Jiayou" (Go)
Step 3: Clap twice, cheer "Zhongguo" (China)
Step 4: Make fists with both hands, extend both arms into the air, cheer "Jiayou" (GO)
Fans can change up the slogans as they wish, for example, replacing "Olympics" with the name of a favorite athlete, or "China" with another country, to show support.
According to reports, the Chinese Ministry of Education will put up posters showing students in the city's schools how to properly make the appropriate hand gestures to cheer for their teams in a proper manner. This is especially aimed at those 800,000 students that will make up some of the live audience members in the stadium stands. Actual training will be involved so as to spread education of how to create the cheers.
According to Li Ningchan, head of a Beijing tourism school, the hand movements and slogan embody the Olympic ideals of faster, higher, better. In accordance with international standards, the hand gestures also have unique characteristics, and are easy to remember, easy to learn, and easy to popularize.